Monday, June 29, 2009

Dr Appt Update - by Allison

This is Allison updating for Lori.

Happy with his change in ROM. Xrays don't look any better. Said he'd be concerned by the xrays if he wasn't seeing the patient. Being able to see Dalton and seeing that he does have ROM in his leg makes him feel better about the situation. As long as we can keep ROM up we can keep him out of operating room. Can do bracing on a pediatric abduction help his ROM. He will wear that at night until see him again. Increased physical therapy to 3 times per week. Noticed a little bit of density in hip -- said it could be blood flow starting to come back to the hip. Will be able to see better at next appt. Will see him again on 8/17.

Sorry it's so broken up...tried typing it as she was telling it to me.

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